Satisfied employees are a matter for the boss

Why many employees look for a new job at the beginning of the year and what you as a boss can do about it.

Do you know it? The year is coming to an end and over the holidays you have a little more free time to organize your thoughts, review successes and failures of the outgoing year and think about perspectives. Many employees are therefore concerned with their careers and a possible job change. The professional network Xing also confirms this trend. In the new year, most then try to implement their resolutions. A wave of layoffs could follow.

But what are the most important motivations for changing employers, what do employees value most about their jobs and what can you do as a manager to avoid suddenly sitting in an empty office in January, read here:

Hard facts: One in three employees is toying with the idea of changing jobs

According to a representative survey by Xing, 35% of the employees surveyed could imagine changing jobs. What plays into our hands, as an executive search firm specializing in STEM professions, is a horror scenario for any boss. In addition, some employees have long since resigned internally. This is reflected in the lack of emotional attachment to the company and ultimately leads to a lack of productivity, motivation and quality of work. This leads to losses worth billions of euros in the German economy. Conversely, this means that the employee would quit immediately if given a favorable opportunity.

Background: Why are employees dissatisfied?

The bad news is – the main responsibility for workplace dissatisfaction lies with direct supervisors. According to this year’s Gallup study, 70% of respondents said lack of appreciation, unclear goals, lack of feedback and feeling like they are just doing things by the book are reasons for quitting. Second place among the reasons for changing jobs continues to be the difficulty of reconciling work and family. Rigid work schedules, long commute times and lack of childcare support contribute to employees looking for a new employer.

Outlook: the situation is not hopeless.

The good news is – many improvements can be implemented with little effort. Provided that you, as the boss, are open to the changes.

With regular honest feedback, praise and recognition of employees’ achievements, constructive criticism and an open ear for your colleagues’ problems, you can persuade one or two employees to stay with your company. Offer to work from home sometimes. In this way, they can gain additional plus points for themselves as a boss and for the company as an employer.

As a specialized personnel consultancy, we are at your disposal for all questions concerning the recruiting of STEM specialists. Contact us by phone 089 20003740 in Munich or 0221 4668910 in Cologne or by email

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